AHS Class of '55
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Attention please! If you find errors in the captions to these photos, or if you recognize people we haven't identified, please click on "contact AHS '55" to let us know. And send us more pictures for either of these albums.

45th reunion

TRACK CHAMPIONS Reunion 2009 Dinner

50th reunion, page 1, page 2.

55th reunion, page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4

Dr. Bryant Manning, Gay Holmes Manning, Dixie McPerson Zacherl, ???

But soft! What light from yonder window breaks?

Dan Kenley putting Shakespearean horns on Steve Marshall's head

Charlie Moore, Jackie Duncan Asbury hiding behind the camera

Pat Bennett Crowley, Larry Asbury, Barbara Estes McCombs (Sorry about the bad angle, Pat)

???, Ed and Nell Carpenter again; background Carolyn Isbell Greer and Marilyn Miller Hansen

Lenda Sutton Wilson, Reford Schmittou, Virginia Echols Schmittou, Jim Tatum at the end of the table; foreground, Wayne and Maralyn Martin Harveson

Jim Tatum again

Wayne and Maralyn Martin Harveson, Janet Walter Meador-Pate; background, Ray Olds, Frank Scarborough, Bob and Patsy Vaughn Hubbard

Jean Spurlin Stuart, Jackie Duncan Asbury

Take it away, Leon . . .

Twyman Ash tells it like it was.

Marjorie Nelson York, Charlie Moore, Jim Yarbrough, Paul Culp. This picture will load slowly, and it's pretty grainy. But you gotta love the faces.

Teddy Jack Key, Cullen Hunt

Jim and Barbara Yarbrough, Phil Burkett

Elsie Todd Hellwege, Paul Hellwege, John Thomas

Hollis Swafford, Bob Williams

Hollis Swafford again